Role of Mind in Height Increase



What you think ...that you become...

Human body is blessed with mind ....the center of thought and discrimination. It can think and analyse...It can draw conclusion.....The idea is if you want to grow tall have to think yourself tall....believe that you are tall...The negative thoughts should go ......

People who believe in themselves and God and work hard tend to be more successful than their peers

Ok, so what does this have to do with growing taller?

The idea that what you believe is what you'll become can be a powerful training tool. If you know that the results you expect will influence the results you'll get, then it's time to start changing your expectations. Anticipate excellence, and you're likely to experience it. Anticipate mediocrity, and you'll manage to find some.

If you want to be taller you need to fine tune your thought processing patterns into believing that you are taller. Your body will do its best to make that belief a reality.

"Our research shows that people who believe they're growing are likely to become taller." In one study, researchers put people who saw themselves as short individuals on a 14-week workout program designed to change their "height identity." "By the end, they had developed a self-image in which they saw themselves as taller ." Not only did they want to keep working out, but they kept at it despite minor illnesses or time constraints that might have caused less-dedicated people to drop out. "If you a have a basic belief that you're growing and you encounter an obstacle, you'll do what it takes to get by that obstacle."

The longer you keep at this, the more effective it will be. In fact, researchers have found that people who have been improving their height for at least five months obtain the best results simply because they believe in themselves.

But while pushing yourself can be a confidence booster, it's vital that you don't set goals that are unrealistic. Aiming too high can lead to mistakes and injuries, or cause you to give up when your progress isn't what you expected.

Whatever your goals are, you can keep them in focus by entering them in a logbook or a computer and tracking your progress. This will allow you to readjust your expectations when necessary, and congratulate yourself on a job well done.



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