Genetics and Height Increase


Question from user- What inheritance pattern does height follow? I think it is Polygenic, if so could you tell me why?

Answer: The height of a person is influenced by multifactorial causes. There are many genes involved, such as genes for growth hormone, genes for the receptors on the outside of cells for growth hormone, genes for bone proportion, genes for the timing of the release of hormone and other growth factors. In addition the interaction of genes with environment is also important which includes nutrition during
gestation (while the mother was pregnant) and during the growth years,
exposure of mother to harmful things such as cigarette smoke and alcohol before birth, birth order and general health during the growth years. For example one of our clients mother is short yet they are tall. My mother is an adult woman who is 4 feet, 11 inches tall. Her sons are 5 feet 8 inches and 5 feet 10 inches tall. Their father is 5 feet 9 inches tall. After Mediplex system her children both exceeded what a children's growth specialist predicted for them when they were very young, and Mediplex doctors knows why!


Second answer

If height were controlled by a single gene and tall were dominant, then only two heights would be possible, tall and short. Even if height were
incompletely dominant, in other words, being heterozygous blended the two other phenotypes, only tall, medium and short would be possible. This obviously isn't right. Height is under the control of more than one gene, perhaps many. It depends on how many active alleles you inherit from your parents. Lets say that height is controlled by 3 genes each with 2 alleles.
So there are 6 possible active alleles, or alleles that actually contribute to height. Lets say that your father is medium tall or has 4 active alleles and two inactive. Lets say mom is medium and has 3 active and 3 inactive. Their children can have as many as 6 active alleles ( 3 from each) and be very tall. Or they can inherit as few as 5 inactive alleles and be quite short (although not as short as possible). There is another factor to consider though, height is also a multi factorial trait-the environment has a role in determining your final height. Lets say that you were genetically programmed to be tall but you didn't have access to good medical care, had apoor diet and your mother smoked while she was pregnant. You may not reach
your possible height. Boys have testosterone which increases muscle mass and bone growth more that estrogen does so boys usually are taller than girls. So, height is a complicated genetic factor.




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Grow Tall, height increase, tips to increase height, Yoga for height increase, grow tall,  height growth, How height increase,  grow tall, height growth for males, height growth for females, model height increase, Height Increase Clinics

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